Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Homework due Thursday, 2nd November

After half term, homework tasks and spelling sheets will be given out on Thursdays and will be expected in on the following Thursday. Spelling and times tables tests will take place on Thursdays after half term.

What is your favourite poem? Mine is 'The Magic Box' by Kit Wright.

The Magic Box
I will put in the box
the swish of a silk sari on a summer night,
fire from the nostrils of a Chinese dragon,
the tip of a tongue touching a tooth.

I will put in the box
a snowman with a rumbling belly
a sip of the bluest water from Lake Lucerene,
a leaping spark from an electric fish.

I will put into the box
three violet wishes spoken in Gujarati,
the last joke of an ancient uncle,
and the first smile of a baby. 

I will put into the box
a fifth season and a black sun,
a cowboy on a broomstick
and a witch on a white horse.

My box is fashioned from ice and gold and steel,
with stars on the lid and secrets in the corners.
Its hinges are the toe joints of dinosaurs.

I shall surf in my box
on the great high-rolling breakers of the wild Atlantic,
then wash ashore on a yellow beach 
the colour of the sun.                             
   by Kit Wright

I love it because Kit Wright has described some truly wonderful things. Some of them only exist in the imagination and could never really be put in a box. He has used wonderful vocabulary to describe these images and you can really imagine what they would look, sound or feel like. I also love the way the poem sounds when you read it aloud. Especially the first line, 'the swish of a silk sari on a summer night.' The alliteration (repetition of the 's' sound) really helps it to slip off the tongue.

You may choose one of the following tasks:

1) Can you continue the poem? What would you put into the magic box? Write three verses that describe what you would put into the box.

2) What is your favourite poem? Choose your favourite poem and write it up neatly on paper. You may decorate it if you like. Can you also explain why you like it? Which are your favourite words, images or sentences?


  1. I have left comments on your previous poems. Go and have a look!

  2. I will put in the box
    a beautiful sun flower with silky petals
    a smooth star shining in the sky
    a delicate snowflake from the sky
    I will put in the box
    the sharp teeth of a beastly bear
    the claws of an angry tiger
    the breath of a huge dragon
    I will put in the box
    the feather of a golden eagle
    the fangs of a scary snake
    the hairy leg of a tarantula

  3. a green leaf from the tip of a wooden branch, a striped fish from the Pacific Ocean, a round penny made from plastic

  4. I will put into my magic box,
    The splash of the water,
    The heart exploding with Love,
    A cowboy on a broomstick and witch on a white horse,

    I will put into my magic box,
    The hissing of 6 spotty snake,
    The last joke of an ancient uncle,
    The smell of PASTA!

    I will put into my magic box,
    My childhood memories,
    A bright Sun in the summer,
    The speed of a cheetah.

  5. PART 2
    Queue for the zoo.
    Oh no! there’s a queue!
    What shall we do?
    Act like animals in the zoo…

    Growl like tigers,
    Grizzle like bears,
    Skip about like
    Mad March Hares,
    Squirm like snakes,
    And Squeak like rats,
    Flap our coats
    Like vampire bats,
    Jump as high as kangaroo…

    I’m glad we’re in a queue
    Aren’t you?

    I like this poem because it has rhyming words like, bears, hares, rats, bats.


    I will put in my magic box
    a swish of fire from the chinese dragon,
    a toughue touching the top of everest,
    the tip of the sharpest needle in the shops
    I will put in my magic box!
    a snowman who rubbes his belly,
    a fire fighter crawling above a mountin,
    a tree swishing through the wind
    I will put in my magic box
    a clock as round as a sphere
    a pumpkin as orange as a sunset
    a pillow which is as fluffy as a bunny
    Thats what i would put in my magic box!


  7. l will put in the box...

    a toung touching a tip of a tooth,
    the first smile of a baby,
    a monkey snaking on a banana.

    I will put in the box...

    three men singing a tune,
    a nice cup of dilisous coco,
    a bunch of colorful leveson the floor.

    l will put in the box...

    a bunny laying down,
    a cake been made by candy,
    a heart tree with birds on it.

    I will put in the box...

    a magic man doing magic,
    a sun shining throught the clouds,
    a pony galiping akros the sky.

  8. The magic box
    I will put into the box......
    The sweet soft squishy teddy bear,
    Melting snow from the mountains,
    Light from the big round sun.

    I will put into the box.....
    A scary witch costume with a big broomstick,
    And a santa claus on the reindeers,
    And the scary moon in the city.

    I will put into the box....
    Dancing fairy in a wedding gown,
    Sparkly big eyes of a black cat,
    Rumbling belly of a dinasours.

  9. I would Put in my magic box
    A a colorful parrot flying swiftly across the air
    A eagle swinging his talons in the air
    A lion chasing his prey

  10. I will put in the box,
    a scarlet sunset lowering on the Seven Seas,
    a suspicious sprinkle of cheddar cheese landing on a pizza and a nosy noodle enjoying the breezy wind.

  11. 1)A colourful bird swishing through the sky.
    2)A dragon as hot as the sun.
    3)A horse as fast as a rocket.
    4)A magical witch flying in the cold sky.

    MATILDA told such Dreadful Lies,
    It made one Gasp and Stretch one's Eyes,
    Her Aunt, who, from her Earliest Youth,
    Had kept a Strict Regard for Truth,
    Attempted to Believe Matilda:
    The effort very nearly killed her,
    And would have done so, had not She
    Discovered this Infirmity.
    For once, towards the Close of Day,
    Matilda, growing tired of play,
    And finding she was left alone,
    Went tiptoe to the Telephone
    And summoned the Immediate Aid
    Of London's Noble Fire-Brigade.
    Within an hour the Gallant Band
    Were pouring in on every hand,
    From Putney, Hackney Downs, and Bow.
    With Courage high and Hearts a-glow,
    They galloped, roaring through the Town,
    'Matilda's House is Burning Down!'
    Inspired by British Cheers and Loud
    Proceeding from the Frenzied Crowd,
    They ran their ladders through a score
    Of windows on the Ball Room Floor;
    And took Peculiar Pains to Souse
    The Pictures up and down the House,
    Until Matilda's Aunt succeeded
    In showing them they were not needed;
    And even then she had to pay
    To get the Men to go away!

    It happened that a few Weeks later
    Her Aunt was off to the Theatre
    To see that Interesting Play
    The Second Mrs. Tanqueray.
    She had refused to take her Niece
    To hear this Entertaining Piece:
    A Deprivation Just and Wise
    To Punish her for Telling Lies.
    That Night a Fire did break out--
    You should have heard Matilda Shout!
    You should have heard her Scream and Bawl,
    And throw the window up and call
    To People passing in the Street--
    (The rapidly increasing Heat
    Encouraging her to obtain
    Their confidence) -- but all in vain!
    For every time she shouted 'Fire!'
    They only answered 'Little Liar!'
    And therefore when her Aunt returned,
    Matilda, and the House, were Burned.

    By Alex.

  12. I will put in the box a:
    musical guitar playing relaxing music,
    golden gleaming couscous gleamed like an diamond,
    this is the juiciest and delicious apple got eaten by the giant.

  13. I will put in the box,

    a harmful, howling, hairy wolf,
    a shiny, slimy snake squeezing it’s prey,
    a sting from a winged, wild wasp.

    I will put in the box,

    a tall tree towering over everyone,
    a rough rock crouching beneath everyone,
    a perfect person the same height as everyone.

    I will put in the box,

    a beautiful bird swooping up,
    a fast frog leaping up,
    a crawling cat stepping across the mud.

    By Naeem

  14. I will put into the box
    Smiling Snowman on the hot desert sand
    Best ice cream shop on Via Piave
    My first Roblok's ColorCraze game

    Sophie :-)

  15. Fast Facts
    • You pronounce their name 'dip-lod-ic-uss'.

    • The meaning of their name is 'double beamed lizard'.

    • They lived at the end of the Jurassic Period This was about the same time as the Stegosaurus dinosaur and the Allosaurus.

    • They lived in North America.

    • They are the longest known dinosaur.

    • Their length was up to 27 metres (88 feet)

    • They weighed about 12 tons (as much as a large truck).

    • They were vegetarians. They ate plants.

    By Hassaan.
